
Folk punk? Indie rock? Mostly love songs. Say what you’re feeling, or don’t be felt.

Summer 2009 - present

  • Cassidy - Guitar, Vocals, Feelings

    Justeen - Feelings

March 2023

What a horrid time to tell her

A track in hibernation. Written in the new year, recorded in summer, disdained through winter, and reluctantly released in spring. It can be difficult to let the words escape your lips, and this song’s turbulent route to release mirrors that internal struggle perfectly.


August 2022

Adorned by a tale of her own

There’s a tired idiom I’ve heard a million times since I was little — one about finding treasure in another’s trash. I always understood the meaning, the lesson, how the analogy applies to possessions based on individual perspective. But lately, I dunno something about that tired turn of phrase hits me differently…



July 2022

The boy, he’s got stories to tell

It was a rough night out back in November, but nothing our brave young boy couldn’t handle. No more hitting the streets alone for you, Bear. Always bring a friend on your adventures.

Ma, he’s calling out for you.


January 2022

Latest single revives dormant project

Sneakers clearwater revival. After 11 years of waiting, imaginary fans of the Inaugust album that was never released can finally rest their weary souls. Rejoice, nonexistent fanbase. The long wait is over.

Life changes unearth buried emotions.

Close Quarters is about change. Sacrifice. Solitude. Regret. Love (typical). Also, yea it’s quite short. So maybe it’s not about everything all at once. Get off my back, it’s been a while since I’ve written…geez.


January 2022

The debut album no one heard

Writing music is mostly a selfish act for me. A way to transform my thoughts and emotions into something creative, tangible, shareable. But not for others to experience. That would be silly.

With the help of a friend, I wrote and recorded nearly 20 songs over a period of about 18 months in my younger years. These songs were my first honest attempt at any (mostly) solo songwriting, both lyrical and instrumental. And wow does it show. Recording quality varies wildly. Some tracks were recorded in a quiet room with an acoustic guitar and a decent USB mic, others on the side of the road with an electric guitar, no amp, and a cheap tape recorder. Some instrumental tracks have full lyrics that were never recorded. Vocal quality and talent are both horrific.

So here I am, sharing this horror to the world 11 years after writing and recording. Slapping the somewhat meaningless “Sessions” label on the album title to fool myself into feeling like it’s less of a final product, and therefore release-worthy. Official remastered album planned for August 2022.